The Five Great Freedoms Of Success

WHAT IS SUCCESS? What are the five great freedoms of success?

The dictionary explains it as– to succeed, to acquire one’s desire or achieve what is tried. It is the state of being happy, effective and fulfilled in life. Walking with the sensible one, you discover the secrets to success.

Here are secrets for success that are seeds to the fantastic flexibilities of success. Let’s look at the five great freedoms of success.

First, you have the POWER of CHOICE: Successful individuals know that they have control over simply three things in their lives:

The ideas they think.

Successful people own their minds. They do not get distracted by thoughts fed to them.

The images they visualise.

They see what they want to achieve and have a detailed picture of what needs to be done.

The actions they take.

They take action; they know that to be successful, they must put the idea and vision into practice.

Your options and how you make the most of them determine the outcome you experience in life.

Suppose you are not happy with what you presently have or experience. In that case, you must change your images, thoughts and reactions to favourable, encouraging ones. This is a discovered ability that coaches and mentors can assist you in mastering to success.


The Five Great Freedoms Of Success

Cash liberty.

So that all your future days are pre-paid – you will work if you WANT to work, not since you HAVE to work.

Time liberty.

It comes from cash freedom – it is the next level – your work is now your play, and your play is your work.

Physical liberty.

Health is the ultimate wealth – with time to exercise and cash to buy the finest nutrition and healthcare, you can support well-being for as long as possible.

Relationship flexibility.

Comes next – you now have the precious gift of love and time to explore it, the liberty to make your commitment to each other deep, intimate, and lastingly cherishable.

Spiritual liberty.

Being-ness & inner peace – you can now examine and discover who you are in the higher plan of being with increased connection, awareness, and gratitude to all that is.

As you can see, these are building blocks. You won’t achieve success without having to put the effort in. Yet, a slight adjustment to your daily life will significantly impact the outcomes.

Where do we start?

You have a concise list, which you detail as much as possible. With all your ideas, no matter how crazy you think they are.

From then, draw a plan of action. You need to be able to see the necessary steps to climb to the next level of the journey.

Celebrate milestones – these are outstanding achievements in their rights.


Success Affirmation from us:

You have the POWER to be a magnet to SUCCESS. Affirmations are part of your POWERFUL SUCCESS TOOLS to keep you on track and produce results.

Trying to visualise and have a positive affirmation for the first 10 minutes in the morning and the last 10 minutes before turning the lights off at night will go some ways in helping you to achieve.

Likewise, when you mix with the wise, the successful people, you discover the success tricks. So here are secrets for success that are seeds to the excellent flexibility of success.

This is a discovered skill that coaches or mentors can assist you in mastering to success.

Remember, no matter what people say to you.

You have the POWER to be a magnet to SUCCESS. Affirmations are part of your POWERFUL SUCCESS TOOLS to keep you on track and create results!

No matter what you are trying to achieve, you can get there. Book a 45-minute Discovery call to discuss how we can work together.

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