Frustrations, the perspective from a life coach

Have you ever thought about your frustrations and why they come and go from nowhere and affect your quality of life?

Life is full of frustrations, from the minor irritations of losing something to the central problem of continued failure towards a desired goal. Therefore, we must stop negative thoughts from coming through our minds, have a personal development plan and start a new life.

Since many things we genuinely want in life require a degree of frustration, being personal and professional and managing frustrations effectively is necessary to allow us to remain happy and positive even in trying circumstances.

This is frustrations, a perspective from an Executive Life coach in Bristol, United Kingdom, with some strategies developed over the years for personal growth. In addition, this page contains blogs where I address some topics.

It doesn’t matter what type of coaching you have if any. Whether you are working with a relationship coach, a productivity coach, a health and wellness coach or a financial coach. Toxic people usually bring a level of frustration—a feeling of frustration that sometimes we can’t explain.

How do you define the cause of frustration? A simple way to look at it is an emotion that occurs when a person stops, for whatever reason, from reaching the desired outcome. Whenever we achieve one of our goals, we should feel pleased.

Conversely, we may succumb to frustration and feel irritable, annoyed, and angry whenever we are prevented from reaching our goals. Typically, the more influential the plan, the more incredible the frustration and resultant anger and loss of confidence.

We all experience them from time to time, but how do you deal with them?

There are many ways to deal with frustrations; however, remember that frustration is a temporary emotion. Having a personal development goal and using some strategies can help take actions to deal with frustration.

Also, remember that you will experience this feeling again in a new context down the road. The more and more you get out of your comfort zone to achieve your long-term goals, frustration will set in, irrelevant how positive you might be. This is part of the learning and development process, and a coaching session helps deal with these feelings.

Types of frustrations

Environmental forces.

  • External factors, and as much as we can deal with them, are the ones we must let go of. Focussing on what we can influence is key; forget the rest.

Poor communication.

  • As soon as we need to communicate with someone, you are opening the door to frustrating times. Any personal development coach would agree that effective and clear communication is paramount.

Lack of progress.

  • When we start something, we want the result now. Sadly things take time; think about a sports team looking to achieve greatness. The sports coaches will set the tone of the development; however, it doesn’t happen overnight.

Personal inadequacies.

  • Is the goal realistic or unrealistic? Talking about your project thoughts with someone could highlight fundamental issues that must be dealt with. A career coach would develop a mindset and maybe suggest training to deal with these feelings of inadequacy.


  • When working with others, expectations may be different. Everybody has a different view on expectations, and when working with clients, this often comes back with people being frustrated at others for their actions or lack of them.

This is not an exhaustive list; however, one to make you think. As frustration is unavoidable, we need to deal with them constructively, and coaches help clients achieve this, looking at it as a spiritual gift.

This is so important in children; for example, as the best-equipped they are, they become stronger and increase their self-confidence.

How do I deal with frustrations? Here are some strategies I have developed over the years to deal with my own.


  • It is well known that meditating daily and putting yourself in the present reduces frustration and can improve quality of life.

Take some fresh air.

  • Going out and taking some deep breaths helps to keep focus.


  • Channelling negative energy on some exercise is an excellent way to minimise frustrating thoughts.

Focus on the positives.

  • Focus on what you have achieved and any recent positives (yes, you will find some) and think about them for a moment.

Change the tone of thoughts.

  • Turning negative thoughts into positive ones is not an easy task to start with, but highly effective long term.

Look for solutions, not problems.

  • Yes, the world is full of explanations, and we should look at it this way.

It will pass.

  • Thoughts are thoughts and not a reflection of yourself or your environment. The day you get this, frustration will diminish to manageable tasks.


Of course, as always, one does not fit all, so everyone needs to try and work out what works best for them.

In brief, they are here, like it or not. The most important thing is what you are doing to deal with them. We can blame everyone for how we feel, but we are in charge. Thoughts never last; they come and go!

As Tony Robbins ( once said

“I’ve come to believe that all my past failures and frustration were laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy”.

If you are looking for a new life, a new start, it is vital to change your mindset. Sometimes, we cannot do it on our own and seeking help from role modelling and working with a life coach can help us achieve a positive life. Unfortunately, as the market gets saturated, it is challenging to find suitable types of life coaches.

When looking at your personal development, finding and engaging with the right coach or mentor is imperative. There is no point in looking at executive coaching or leadership coaching if you want to address the problem that lies in mentoring relationships. This can only add to the frustration, do more damage than good in the long term, and hinder you from achieving your goals.


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