Executive Life Coach & Mentor

Helping leaders and professionals reach their full potential

Unlocking the full potential of leaders and professionals is my passion. At Eric Couturier Coaching, I believe in personalised guidance and mentorship tailored to your ambitions.

My approach involves identifying your gaps and providing targeted training, nurturing essential competencies such as communication, leadership, and emotional intelligence.

I prioritise goal setting and accountability, walking alongside you to ensure your objectives are clear, achievable, and met.

Avoid Burnout
More Purpose
Better Habits
Clearer Goals


I am dedicated to unleashing your fullest potential

My philosophy fosters a continuous cycle of feedback and reflection, acknowledging successes and pinpointing areas for growth. I empower you to take ownership of your development journey, building the confidence necessary to thrive in today’s dynamic professional landscape.

With resilience and adaptability as cornerstones, I equip you with the tools to navigate challenges and embrace change, guiding you toward sustainable success.

“I help leaders recognise the signs of burnout and equip them with tools to prevent it.”

What Clients Say

Ready to take control of your career and your life?

Are you prepared to seize the reins of your career, steering it toward success while simultaneously taking command of the various aspects of your life, shaping them into the fulfilling tapestry you envision?

Shape your life and not let your life shape you!